The Hither and Thither of Danny Dither / book and lyrics by Jeremy Gury, music by Alex North, additional lyrics and music by Joseph Raposo - unproduced reading script. n.d.


The Hither and Thither of Danny Dither / book and lyrics by Jeremy Gury, music by Alex North, additional lyrics and music by Joseph Raposo - unproduced reading script. n.d.

1 item.


SNAC Resource ID: 7839455

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

NDWT Archives. (corporateBody)

Gury, Jeremy (person)

North, Alex (person)

North was born on Dec. 4, 1910, in Chester, PA; attended the Curtis Institute, Juilliard School, and Moscow Conservatory; became music director of the German Theater Group and the Latvian State Theater, and the only American member of the Union of Soviet Composers; returned to the US in 1935; studied with Ernst Toch and Aaron Copland in NY, and composed ballet scores for Martha Graham, Hanya Holm, and Agnes de Mille; composed for the NY stage, including scores for Life and death of an American (...

Raposo, Joe (person)